
Alexandra Lowe, a consultant for the Community College Consortium for Immigrant Education (CCCIE) served as the primary writer on this project under the direction of Jill Casner-Lotto, CCCIE Director, in collaboration with WES Global Talent Bridge’s team: Paul Feltman, Director; Denise Jillions, Resource Development; Katherine Gebremedhin, Outreach and Training.

In addition, Teresita Wisell, Westchester Community College’s Vice President and Dean for Continuing Education and Workforce Development and CCCIE Executive Director, provided overall guidance, feedback, and support.

We would like to express our gratitude to our colleagues at the following educational institutions and community-based organizations:

Alamo Colleges
Carmen De Luna Jones, Melissa Sadler-Nitu

Bluegrass Community & Technical College
James Fenton

B’Nai Zion Retraining Program for Immigrants
Larissa Akerman

California Career Cafe, California Community Colleges
Susan Coleman

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
Van Ton- Quinlivan

Central Piedmont Community College
Gilda Rubio-Festa

Grossmont College
Ann Durham

Highline Community College
Linda Faaren, Jeffrey Wagnitz, Stephen Washburn

Instituto del Progreso Latino
Ricardo A. Estrada, Guadalupe Martinez

LaGuardia Community College
Hillary Gardner, John Hunt, Tania Ramirez

Manos de Cristo
Karen Green

Montgomery College
Donna Kinerney

Miami Dade College
Tere Collada, Zoraya Cuesta, Malou Harrison, Marina Hernandez, Michelle Thomas

Northern Virginia Community College
Elizabeth Harper, William Kosanovich

Oregon Career Pathways Initiative
Mimi Maduro

Passaic County Community College
Kathleen Kelly, Candida Rodriguez, Robert Salvato, Nancy Silvestro

Portland Community College
Laura Horani

South Texas College
Juan Carlos Aguirre

Washington State Board for Community
& Technical Colleges
Kathy Cooper, Jon Kerr

Westchester Community College
Ruben Barato, Joaquim Mendes, Jeanne Maloney, Eileen McKee, Robert Nechols, Sabrina Payne, Agnes Sinko, Anne Marie Verini

In addition we would like to offer a special thanks to Tere Collada, John Hunt, and Anne Marie Verini who served as reviewers for the entire guide and whose helpful comments and suggestions have greatly enhanced its usefulness.